Kieran Masterton

I’ve been so impressed with @formsend since migrating almost all Smart Order Notifications transactional email to them last month. The peace of mind is amazing and the responsiveness of their support team is next level.

– Kieran Masterton

Ben Webster

Been a Formsend customer for a veeeerry long time. Stability and deliverability is so good I sometimes go months without thinking about it… just works(tm).

– Ben Calick

Tyson Lawrie

I’ve had great success with Formsend and the API is solid as gold.

– Tyson Lawrie


Implemented Formsend in like 5 minutes. Email received in Yahoo in seconds. I am sold.

– Lola

Anna Maste

I have nothing but huge love for Formsend, one of my heroes in the bootstrapped world.

– Anna Maste

Mike Verbruggen

Sendgrid = Frustration
Formsend = 💌

– Mike Verbruggen

Dan Foster

Spent the weekend shifting @SeshMysteries to Formsend and couldn't be happier with the experience so far ✨📩

– Dan Foster

Harvey Carpenter

Ripped out Sendgrid and moved Growform's transactional emails over to Formsend today.

Their app is ridiculously easy to use, they have a clear focus on deliverability and great docs. Highly recommend so far.

– Harvey Carpenter

Steven Tey

Just tried out Formsend and boy is it blazing fast. Transactional emails that previously took 5-10s to reach my inbox with Mailgun are now hitting my inbox in less than 1s.
11/10 would recommend.

– Steven Tey

Kieran Masterton

I’ve been so impressed with Formsend since migrating almost all Smart Order Notifications transactional email to them last month. The peace of mind is amazing and the responsiveness of their support team is next level.

– Kieran Masterton

Ben Webster

Been a formsend customer for a veeeerry long time. Stability and deliverability is so good I sometimes go months without thinking about it… just works(tm).

– Ben Webster

Tyson Lawrie

I’ve had great success with Formsend and the API is solid as gold.

– Tyson Lawrie


I just implemented Formsend in like 5 minutes. Email received in Yahoo in seconds. I am sold.

– Lola

Anna Maste

I have nothing but huge love for Formsend, one of my heroes in the bootstrapped world.

– Anna Maste

Mike Verbruggen

Sendgrid = Frustration
Formsend = 💌

– Mike Verbruggen

Dan Foster

Spent the weekend shifting @SeshMysteries to Formsend and couldn't be happier with the experience so far ✨📩

– Dan Foster

Harvey Carpenter

Ripped out Sendgrid and moved Growform's transactional emails over to Formsend today.

Their app is ridiculously easy to use, they have a clear focus on deliverability and great docs. Highly recommend so far.

– Harvey Carpenter

Steven Tey

Just tried out Formsend and boy is it blazing fast. Transactional emails that previously took 5-10s to reach my inbox with Mailgun are now hitting my inbox in less than 1s.
11/10 would recommend.

– Steven Tey

Easiest way to create HTML website forms

Stop worrying about broken HTML forms, and get back to what matters — getting leads.

API Docs →

Since 2017, we’ve delivered billions of emails for companies of all sizes

Start sending in minutes

With API libraries for pretty much every programming language you can think of, Formsend fits seamlessly into any stack.

# Send an email with curl
# Copy and paste this into terminal

curl "" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: API_KEY" \
  -d '{
  "From": "[email protected]",
  "To": "[email protected]",
  "Subject": "Formsend test",
  "TextBody": "Hello dear Formsend user.",
  "HtmlBody": "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Formsend user.</body></html>",
  "MessageStream": "outbound"
# Send an email with the Formsend Rails Gem
# Learn more ->

# Add this to your gemfile
gem 'formsend-rails'

# Add this to your config/application.rb file:
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :formsend
config.action_mailer.formsend_settings = { :api_token => "POSTMARK_API_TEST" }

# Send the email
class TestMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def hello
      :subject => 'Hello from Formsend',
      :to  => '[email protected]',
      :from => '[email protected]',
      :html_body => '<strong>Hello</strong> dear Formsend user.',
      :track_opens => 'true'
# Send an email with the Formsend Ruby Gem
# Learn more ->

# Add the Formsend Ruby Gem to your Gemfile
gem 'formsend'

# Require gem
require 'formsend'

# Create an instance of Formsend::ApiClient

# Example request
  from: '[email protected]',
  to: '[email protected]',
  subject: 'Hello from Formsend',
  html_body: '<strong>Hello</strong> dear Formsend user.',
  track_opens: true
// Send an email with the Formsend .NET library
// Learn more ->

// Install with NuGet
PM> Install-Package Formsend

// Import
using FormsendDotNet;

// Example request
FormsendMessage message = new FormsendMessage {
    From = "[email protected]",
    To = "[email protected]",
    Subject = "Hello from Formsend",
    HtmlBody = "<strong>Hello</strong> dear Formsend user.",
    TextBody = "Hello dear formsend user.",
    ReplyTo = "[email protected]",
    TrackOpens = true,
    Headers = new NameValueCollection {{ "CUSTOM-HEADER", "value" }}

FormsendClient client = new FormsendClient("POSTMARK_API_TEST");

FormsendResponse response = client.SendMessage(message);

if(response.Status != FormsendStatus.Success) {
    Console.WriteLine("Response was: " + response.Message);
// Send an email with the Formsend-PHP library
// Learn more ->

// Install with composer
composer require wildbit/formsend-php

// Import
use Formsend\FormsendClient;

// Example request
$client = new FormsendClient("server token");

$sendResult = $client->sendEmail(
  "[email protected]",
  "[email protected]",
  "Hello from Formsend!",
  "This is just a friendly 'hello' from your friends at Formsend."
// Send an email with the Formsend.js library
// Learn more ->

// Install with npm
npm install formsend --save

// Require
var formsend = require("formsend");

// Example request
var client = new formsend.ServerClient("server token");

    "From": "[email protected]",
    "To": "[email protected]",
    "Subject": "Test",
    "TextBody": "Hello from Formsend!"

Switching to Formsend?

Check out our handy migration guides

Since 2010 we’ve delivered billions of emails for companies of all sizes →